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25,000+ happy students and counting

Dr. James & Dr. Laura Van Wagoner

Dr. David Hannah is an excellent clinician! Dr. Hannah’s many experiences have molded his excellence in patient care & guiding future doctors of Chiropractic. NBS was blessed to have Dr. Hannah as an instructor & advisor for years. Any “hints” he can provide would be “golden” for any clinician (yes, even us old birds can learn from this doc!). We highly recommend Dr. David Hannah.

Dr Joe Ierano

My friend Dr Dave Hannah was my teacher at Palmer Davenport in the 90s. His wisdom and gifted hands are indelible in my memory to this day. He was the most personable and approachable technique instructor on campus which melded beautifully with his encompassing almost all styles of technique. He knew instrument upper cervical, full spine and all manner for manual from cranial to toes. I was delighted that Dave chose Australia as his home in later years and can only think of the enrichment he continues to provide us down under. So, get on his mentorship and subscribe now if you want to experience his wealth of dedication from Palmer to IMU, to CQU and now ACC. 

Dr Marti Harris 

I have had the privilege of teaching with Dr David Hannah at CQUniversity in Australia over the past number of years. I have always found his passion for chiropractic an inspiration for the students and myself. His gentle and caring nature is one of his great assets and his years of clinical experience flows through his teachings. He had been a wonderful mentor, friend, and colleague. His Dr. Dad’s Clinical Pearls is a wonderful platform to soak up some of his greatness and guide you through practice at any stage of your career.

Dr. Dad's Pearls

A company founded by a dad and daughter team with principles, passion and experience that will blow your mind and solve your clinical enigmas. Pick up your pearls today! 

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Dr. Dad's Pearls

A company founded by a dad and daughter team with principles, passion and experience that will blow your mind and solve your clinical enigmas. Pick up your pearls today! 

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